traffic circles

美 [ˈtræfɪk ˈsɜːrklz]英 [ˈtræfɪk ˈsɜːklz]
  • n.交通环岛;环形交叉(口)
  • traffic circle的复数
traffic circlestraffic circles

traffic circles


  • 1
    N-COUNT 交通环岛;环形交叉(口)
    A traffic circle is a circular structure in the road at a place where several roads meet. You drive round it until you come to the road that you want.

  1. Empirical Research on the Actuality of traffic circles in Nanjing Metropolitan Coordinating Region


  2. The city usually plants low junipers in the traffic circles that act as traffic calmers in some neighbourhoods .


  3. Like many other municipalities , Philadelphia has tried a variety of devices to slow drivers : real speed humps , traffic circles , curb extensions , rumble strips , slightly raised crosswalks .


  4. A lack of proper signage , the absence of left-turn lanes , terrifying traffic circles for which the right of way seems to go to the fastest driver and an unpredictable public transit system can vex the visitor .
